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Providing tax tables since 2010.

We are an Adelaide based company specialising in solving issues for MYOB® users. We started with PAYG tax tables and expanded to repairs, conversion, confirmation issues etc.

Our tax tables have not been endorsed and are not supported by MYOB Australia - MYOB would much rather you upgraded or subscribed to Cover or AccountRight Live.

Single Touch Payroll Solutions
for MYOB® and other users

Taxable Payments Reporting for
required industries and
Government Entities(TPAR)

Employee Share Scheme
(ESS) Reporting

Sharing Economy Taxable
Payment Reporting SERR/SETP

Payment Summaries & EMPDUPE file
PSAR - PAYG Reporting

Amended Payment Summaries

Individual, Labour Hire, PSI &
Voluntary Agreement supported

Electronic TFN Declarations

Go to namich.com.au

only search FGHTables


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for more regular updates

The Payroll Year

End of Year process
Starting a New Payroll Year
Reversing the process
Adjusting Payroll errors
Payment Summaries
See here for more info

MYOB®, Accounting Plus™, Premier®, AccountRight Plus™, Premier Enterprise®, AccountRight Premier™, AccountRight Enterprise™ and AccountEdge® are registered trademarks of MYOB Technology Pty Ltd

All prices are GST inclusive

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Michael  0427 188 460


MYOB disables online and phone Confirmation

In it's latest move to try to force v19 users to upgrade, MYOB Australia has disabled online and phone confirmation (Apr 2018). There was no notification, users were greeted with this message - 'Unable to confirm this company file. You need to phone MYOB Customer Service for assistance'

Unable to Confirm this company file

MYOB stated that the reason for the policy was to help MYOB understand why users are not upgrading. They added that once they have had a conversation with the user, they would re-enable online confirmation.

User experience is however varied:
  • Some are told they will not be given a code and must upgrade
  • Some are provided with a code and are told it will be their last code, they must upgrade
  • Others are told that their software will not work under Windows 10 and they must upgrade
  • A code is provided and they are told they must call each time (and wait in the queue) for future confirmations
  • For some users automatic online confirmation is re-enabled
Some users have received an email advising that Confirmations will be more frequent:

Confirm more regularly

If you have received such an email, hang on to it, it will help prove you own a licence should you ever need a Confirmation Code from FGH Tables.

See these links to recent MYOB Community forum posts where this campaign is discussed:

Unable to confirm company file

MYOB compaint/enquiry

We do not recommend you upgrade to AR2024. It is very slow and has hundreds of bugs and cannot efficiently handle files over about 300MB. We have personally seen AR2024 fail to function at all with larger files (> 1 GB). Reports cannot be generated and the Transaction Journal cannot display transactions unless a very narrow date range is specified. User are constantly 'thrown' out. This is desktop use - not online - which is even slower.

For those concerned about losing access to their v19 (or earlier) file, please see Confirmation Tool as an alternative to file confirmation by MYOB.

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