For those having issues with their AccountRight 20xx company file, File Utility MYOX is a small program that can help you diagnose problems or areas of concern in your
Windows Based versions of MYOB®
For those new to MYOB®, there are 2 streams of Windows based programs both called AccountRight®:
- Classic MYOB® The stream that MYOB® users have used for up to 20 years. This stream is desktop only, and the current version number is v19.16 (19.sixteen). This stream of AccountRight is referred to by existing MYOB® users as the 'good' version. Classic MYOB® company files have a .myo extension.
- MYOB® Live The new stream MYOB Australia released in 2011, which is for desktop or cloud. This is the only version available to new users, and MYOB Australia is desperately trying to get every existing Classic user to upgrade to this version instead - there is a good reason many refuse to upgrade. The current version number is AR2024. Live MYOB® company files have a .myox extension.
company file.
The Utility also allows you to do some things with your file that MYOB® won't allow, such as deleting Users that are no longer required.
As long time users would know there are a number of weaknesses in AR2024. Despite improvements over the years, it struggles with large files.
There are also a number of bugs MYOB seems in no hurry to fix (for example importing Card ID for Suppliers).
Like v19, AR2024 also suffers in terms of Balances - specifically things being 'out of balance'. To assist with diagnosis we developed File Utility MYOX to
analyse a .myox MYOB® company file. We decided to make this program available to MYOB® users to assist with identifying problem areas in their company files. We have also added a
number of tools which allow user to do the following:
- See key Dates in the file
- See how many records are in each table
- See how much a Purge by FGH Tables will reduce your file size
- See details about hidden Orders in your file
- Check and correct Card Balances
- Check Accuracy of Financial Statements
- Check numerous Balances such as Net Assets
- Check and correct Accounts List Header balances
- Update Card ID's in bulk
- Check a number of Inventory balances
- Re-Number Items in bulk
- Reset Administrator password
- Remove Serial Number
- Re-Activate Administrator
- Delete Users in bulk
- Check file for Duplicate records
- Clear certain fields in bulk, eg Card Custom List/Field entries
- Fix Error 4077
See screenshots below.
File Utility MYOX is free to download and use to analyse your company file -
we just ask users to report any errors so we can update the program if necessary. The program comes as an setup.exe file that needs to be installed.
It should run on any computer on which AR2024 runs - if it fails to run, you may need to install a Microsoft component - contact us if this is the case.
A code is required if you need to reset a password, serial number or make corrections and changes to your file - purchase via an on-screen link.