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Providing tax tables since 2010.

We are an Adelaide based company specialising in solving issues for MYOB® users. We started with PAYG tax tables and expanded to repairs, conversion, confirmation issues etc.

Our tax tables have not been endorsed and are not supported by MYOB Australia - MYOB would much rather you upgraded or subscribed to Cover or AccountRight Live.

Single Touch Payroll Solutions
for MYOB® and other users

Taxable Payments Reporting for
required industries and
Government Entities(TPAR)

Employee Share Scheme
(ESS) Reporting

Sharing Economy Taxable
Payment Reporting SERR/SETP

Payment Summaries & EMPDUPE file
PSAR - PAYG Reporting

Amended Payment Summaries

Individual, Labour Hire, PSI &
Voluntary Agreement supported

Electronic TFN Declarations

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for more regular updates

The Payroll Year

End of Year process
Starting a New Payroll Year
Reversing the process
Adjusting Payroll errors
Payment Summaries
See here for more info

MYOB®, Accounting Plus™, Premier®, AccountRight Plus™, Premier Enterprise®, AccountRight Premier™, AccountRight Enterprise™ and AccountEdge® are registered trademarks of MYOB Technology Pty Ltd

All prices are GST inclusive

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Michael  0427 188 460


Orders & Quotes Remover for MYOB®

All Aust and NZ Windows Classic Versions

Classic are all versions to 19.16 (19.sixteen) - .myo, .prm, .dat


Do you:
  • want to delete Quotes or Orders from your MYOB® company file?
  • have old Quotes or Orders in your company file you no longer need?
  • want to reduce your file size and improve efficiency?

As you may know, MYOB® makes no provision to purge old Quotes or Orders. This means unless you delete them as you go, they simply accummulate and add to your company file size. With Classic MYOB®, the bigger the file, the less efficiently it runs. While MYOB® allows you to delete Quotes and some Orders, this must be done one by one. If you have a few hundred, not so bad. However if you have thousands, deleting could take awhile.

Not all Orders can be deleted. For example if a deposit or payment has been recorded against the Order, or if Items have been recorded as Received against the Order. As such Orders are required in the file, our Order & Quotes Remover will not display nor delete these Orders.

And for those migrating to the online enabled version - AR2024, be aware that currently there is no provision to purge any records. As your file gets bigger, this impacts on performmance, esp if the file is held online. We recommend trimming your file as much as possible before upgrading.

The FGH Orders & Quotes Remover can help. This program will analyse your company file and display a Table of all the Quotes or deleteable Orders, including original amount, card, date etc.

The Table can be sorted on any column. You can filter the Table based on Name or Date or both.

You can download our Orders & Quotes Remover from our downloads page. Install it on your computer and run it. The application will step you through the process of selecting your company file, displaying the Table of Orders & Quotes, and Deleting those you no longer need.

From the displayed Table, you can select all the Orders or Quotes you want to delete, and all the Orders or Quotes will be deleted in an instance - no more deleting one by one using MYOB®.

After selecting the Quotes or Orders you want to delete, you will be presented with a Confirmation screen which summarises what you have chosen to do. You will then need to enter a code which you can purchase below. The code is a one time purchase code, and can be used with any company file which has the same serial number.

The program is fully functional on a Clearwater sample file. If you would like to 'try' it on 'real' data, you will need to zip and upload/email a copy of your file. We will make the file time limited and return it with a code. You can then try out Orders & Quotes Remover with a copy of your real data for 30 days.

Click here to reveal email address.

See On-line Help for more information including screen shots.

An unlimited use Orders & Quotes Remover Code (QRC) costs $77 per serial number.

Orders & Quotes
Remover Code

for use with our
Orders & Quotes Remover

Last 4 digits of the Serial Number.
Found under Setup, Company Information

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Page Updated 28 Mar 2023