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Providing tax tables since 2010.

We are an Adelaide based company specialising in solving issues for MYOB® users. We started with PAYG tax tables and expanded to repairs, conversion, confirmation issues etc.

Our tax tables have not been endorsed and are not supported by MYOB Australia - MYOB would much rather you upgraded or subscribed to Cover or AccountRight Live.

Single Touch Payroll Solutions
for MYOB® and other users

Taxable Payments Reporting for
required industries and
Government Entities(TPAR)

Employee Share Scheme
(ESS) Reporting

Sharing Economy Taxable
Payment Reporting SERR/SETP

Payment Summaries & EMPDUPE file
PSAR - PAYG Reporting

Amended Payment Summaries

Individual, Labour Hire, PSI &
Voluntary Agreement supported

Electronic TFN Declarations

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for more regular updates

The Payroll Year

End of Year process
Starting a New Payroll Year
Reversing the process
Adjusting Payroll errors
Payment Summaries
See here for more info

MYOB®, Accounting Plus™, Premier®, AccountRight Plus™, Premier Enterprise®, AccountRight Premier™, AccountRight Enterprise™ and AccountEdge® are registered trademarks of MYOB Technology Pty Ltd

All prices are GST inclusive

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Michael  0427 188 460


Removing Cards from
MYOB® AR20xx versions

.myox files

Do you:
  • want to delete Customer or Supplier Cards from your MYOB® company file but MYOB® won't let you?
  • have Customer or Supplier Cards you no longer use?
  • get annoyed by Inactive Cards still appearing for Sales and Purchase transactions?

Removing Cards from a .myox file is quite different to removing Cards from an .myo file. Our FGH Cards Remover currently only works on the Classic range (v19.16 and prior).

We were recently approached by a client using AR2014.4 who had far too many Customer Cards (imported from a 3rd party program they used). They had over 40,000 Customer Cards they wanted removed. As you could imagine, these Cards were having a huge impact on their performance.

To deal with this request we developed a process for .myox files similar to that used by our Cards Remover program. This involved creating a new Replacement Customer Card, selecting the Cards to be deleted, replacing all references to these Cards with the Replacement Card, and then deleting all the unwanted Cards.

As a result their file size was reduced by 2/3rds (from 977MB to 311MB). Load time on a desktop computer (Administrator Password to Command Centre window) was reduced by a staggering 90% (from 80 secs to 8 secs). Generating the same 400 page Sales Journal listing was reduced by 33%.

This was an extreme case, and perhaps you don't quite have 40,000 cards. However if you have a large number of cards that you do not need, we can delete them for you.

Simply upload your file and send us a spreadsheet with a list of Customer and Supplier Cards you want deleted. The List should include the Card Record ID - use an exported Cards file. If most cases your file will be back the same day.

At present this service is for deleting Customer and Supplier Cards only (deleting Employee Cards is not included).

See this Example for an illustration of how transactions will look after the Card has been deleted. Although this link refers to .myo files, the outcome for .myox files is identical.

Upload your file and email us the details for a quote.

Click here to reveal email address.

Click here to reveal upload address.

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