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Providing tax tables since 2010.

We are an Adelaide based company specialising in solving issues for MYOB® users. We started with PAYG tax tables and expanded to repairs, conversion, confirmation issues etc.

Our tax tables have not been endorsed and are not supported by MYOB Australia - MYOB would much rather you upgraded or subscribed to Cover or AccountRight Live.

Single Touch Payroll Solutions
for MYOB® and other users

Taxable Payments Reporting for
required industries and
Government Entities(TPAR)

Employee Share Scheme
(ESS) Reporting

Sharing Economy Taxable
Payment Reporting SERR/SETP

Payment Summaries & EMPDUPE file
PSAR - PAYG Reporting

Amended Payment Summaries

Individual, Labour Hire, PSI &
Voluntary Agreement supported

Electronic TFN Declarations

Go to namich.com.au

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for more regular updates

The Payroll Year

End of Year process
Starting a New Payroll Year
Reversing the process
Adjusting Payroll errors
Payment Summaries
See here for more info

MYOB®, Accounting Plus™, Premier®, AccountRight Plus™, Premier Enterprise®, AccountRight Premier™, AccountRight Enterprise™ and AccountEdge® are registered trademarks of MYOB Technology Pty Ltd

All prices are GST inclusive

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Michael  0427 188 460


Items Remover

Warning about Deleting Restricted Transactions

See Items Remover page for more information

This page is should be read in conjunction with the Example page.

Items Remover can be used to delete unwanted Items from a MYOB® company file. Items fall into two categories, ones that can be individually deleted by MYOB® and those that cannot - we refer to these as Restricted Items.

Deleting unrestricted Items

An Item can be deleted by MYOB® provided it has never been used in a transaction, or if it has been used:
  • all transactions involving that Item have since been purged from the system
  • there are no recurring transactions or journals that refer to the Item
  • the Item is not a component in an AutoBuild
  • there is not stock on hand for that Item
  • there are no negative inventory records for that Item
For such Items, while MYOB® allows you to delete them one by one, Items Remover will allow you to delete them in bulk.

For example if you imported a Supplier's catalogue into MYOB® and later find you only use 10 of the 6000 Items, you can use Items Remover to delete the other 5990 within a few minutes. This would take hours in MYOB®.

Deleting Restricted Items

Many users find MYOB® will not allow them to remove Items, even though they have not used those Items for years. MYOB® gives very little information about why the Item cannot be deleted, but the bottom line is MYOB is referencing that Item in atleast one of it's tables.

Items Remover will allow you to delete these Items. Items Remover analyses the company file and finds all references to each Item. If you have stopped using an Item, you can use Items Remover to delete it, however the references cannot be deleted, they must be replaced.

Items Remover will replace those references with a reference to a Replacement Item you create for this purpose. See the Example page which illustrates with an example what happens when a Restricted Item is deleted and how the Replacement Item is used.

As the example shows, the Items Remover process makes no changes to the transactions' accounts or amounts. However care should be taken when viewing a previously recorded transaction that involves a Replacement Item. It is important No Changes are made to such a transaction. Especially if the Replacement Item uses linked accounts that are different to the accounts linked to the Item that was deleted.

WARNING - Making a change to a previously recorded transaction involving a deleted Item MAY change the account transactions are recorded against.

MYOB® will not allow you to make any changes to Prior Year transactions, and we DO NOT recommend deleting Items you have used in the current financial year - so if you follow this advice, this warning can be ignored.

If however you choose to delete Items you have used in the current financial year (or later) AND the linked accounts for the Replacement Item DO NOT match the linked accounts of the Deleted Item, DO NOT make any changes to previously recorded transactions involving the Deleted Item.

To illustrate the consequences, consider the following:

While viewing a current year transaction dated 2 June 2012 (the transaction illustrated in the Example page), a minor change is made to the Description as shown below:

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After clicking the OK button on the Sales Transaction window, MYOB® detects a change has been made, it therefore re-records the entire transaction using the current Card, Account, Item and Tax settings. This is how the Sale now appears in the Transaction Journal:

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You will notice the accounts used for Sales and COGS have now changed to the accounts linked to 'ZZItems Deleted Nov 2013' instead of the original accounts linked to Item 400.

This is how The P&L for the Month now looks:

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The P&L has changed to reflect the change to the Sales Transaction.

As you can see, making any change while viewing the previously recorded transaction causes the transaction to be 'updated', in effect re-recorded. MYOB® updates the transaction using the current settings for each of the Items, including the new ZZItems Deleted Nov 2013.

If viewing a transaction which uses a Deleted Item, it is safer to click Cancel to close the window, rather than OK.

Before using Items Remover to delete Restricted Items, you need to be aware of these consequences of making any changes to a previously recorded transaction. This is especially the case where you use different Sales, Cost of Sales and Assets accounts for different Items.

This highlights the fact that Items should only be deleted using Items Remover well after you have stopped using them. For example you should not delete an Item which you have used in a transaction during the current financial year.

MYOB® will not allow you to edit a prior year transaction, so this issue only affects transactions in or after the begining of the current financial year as set in MYOB®.

If you do delete any Items used in the current financial year, it is highly recommended that you use Setup, Preferences, Security, to Lock the Period to a recent date to prevent inadvertent changes that could affect your accounts.

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